Quality policy
GEO. COPSEY & CO LTD is totally committed to satisfying our customers with high value service every time. We are a service Company working in a service industry which moves customer’s effects within the UK and to and from the UK/Overseas. We provide a quality move to all customers on the following basis:
- According to a plan agreed with the client
- providing value for money
- with accurate communication between all parties involved
GEO. COPSEY & CO LTD Management and staff have refined their Quality Policy and agree they shall all strive to:
- Understand the market requirements for our area, customer needs and expectations and continuously improve our service to ensure we stay abreast with the ever changing demands
- provide a high level of service to our customers with as minimum cause for complaints as possible
- Ensure when complaints are received they are attended to in a timely manner with a view to eliminate the root cause and prevent recurrence
- Acquire and retain the highest calibre personnel and maintain a healthy, constructive safe work environment thus enabling such personnel to produce optimal output
- Monitor and modify the Company Environmental Policy in an endeavour to protect the planet.